Paradise City - Season One Debuts 2020/redirect? Song: Palaye Royale - Tonight Is The Night I Die (Album Coming May 29th) "The lives of a rock star with ties to the occult and a young rookie kid who idolizes him collide through their broken homes built by the music business." Release Date & Network: TBA Song: Palaye Royale - Tonight Is The Night I Die (Album Coming May 29th) Created, Written & Directed By: Ash Avildsen - @ashavildsen Director of Photography: Michael Alden Lloyd - @michaelaldenlloyd Starring: Andy Black - @andyblack Bella Thorne - @bellathorne Cameron Boyce - @thecameronboyce Drea De Matteo - @dreadematteo Mark Boone Jr - @markboonejunior Fairuza Balk - @fairuza BooBoo Stewart - Olivia Culpo - @oliviaculpo Ryan Hurst - @rambodonkeykong Perrey Reeves - @perreyreeves Rhys Coiro - @rhyscoiro Ben Bruce - @benjaminpaulbruce James Cassells - @cassells Hopsin - @hopsin Natalie Eva Marie - @natalieevamarie Amanda Steele - @amandasteele Brooke Lyons - @brookielyons Kellin Quinn - @kellinquinn Randy Blythe - @drandallblythe Juliet Simms - @thejulietsimms Lorenzo Antonucci - @lorenzoantonuccijr Sid Wilson - @sidthe3rd Grace Powell - @mastergracey_ Taylor Wade - @taylorblonde Kimi Shelter - @kimishelter Emily Moon - @moondrum Paige Hathaway - @paigehathaway Javier Reyes - @jjavierreyess Jose Mangin - @josemangin Tomm Voss - @tommvoss Also starring but not in teaser: Nita Strauss - @hurricanenita Matt Pinfield - @therealmattpinfield Jim Ross - @jimrossbbq Porsche Coleman - @Porschacoleman Ned Bellamy - @ned_bellamy Gino Cafarelli - @ginocafarelli Brittany Parisi - @brittanymarieparisi Norman Johnson Jr - @normanjohnsonjr JJ Cassiere - @jjcassiere Oliver Trevana - @olivertrevena Angie Simms - @angiesimms Rigan Michado - @riganmichado Max Wasa - @onionpeeler Major Dodge - @majordodge