I got a bit sad reading your last interviews. You say basketball stopped being you passion, that you don’t have as much energy as you used to and that your time in the NBA runs short.
Physically, I feel great. I’m doing everything to stay in shape for as long as I can, but I’m not getting any younger. Basketball is a very straining discipline. During the season, I play almost every two days. Sometimes I can play even 120 games in a couple of months. Add to that everyday training in the gym and on the court. I don’t know what is going to happen in a year or two. It is important to remember that my future in the NBA doesn’t fully depend on me. My current contract runs out in a year plus some. Then, it will turn out whether some team would like to sign a new one with me. NBA itself has changed over the last few years. There are no centers, which means players like me – playing cover and staying near the hoop. Nowadays everyone throws for three, something that is outside my repertoire. The era of players playing in the old style slowly becomes history.
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