Every child in the US and Poland knows that Puławski and Kościuszko fought for the freedom of the Unites States. Valiant Polish military men at the side of the Founding Fathers is a great myth of a grand – not to say eternal – love that flows for the American presidents in Poland. However, in the first years of the US, it was love one-sided. There is no fault on the American side in that matter. The young nation was too distant and too insignificant internationally, to play a real role in supporting Poland at the moment of the fall of the Polish–Lithuanian Commonwealth or even later, during our numerous freedom uprisings. The presidents, concerned with important matters, were less empathetic with the Polish cause, than regular, though not common, Americans. Few people know that the great Edgar Allan Poe was ready to join the Polish army in the November Uprising, while his wirier friend, James Fenimore Cooper, petitioned for the American support to the voluntary army that was supposed to march from France to help the up-risers.
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