The reactivation process of the Ursus company was not easy at the beginning, but you took that challenge; if you had another chance to decide, would you make that effort?
Of course. We became interested in taking control of Ursus 10 years ago, when the idea of privatising this state-owned company on the verge of bankruptcy emerged. At that time the owners chose a Turkish company named UZEL. The idea of acquiring the company reappeared after the Turkish enterprise withdrew and production at the plant further decreased. We had a concept for renewing the brand, and when an opportunity came, we actualised it. It’s only a pity we had to wait 10 years for that. We made the decision to take on that challenge together with my sons, as the process of reestablishing the global position of Ursus requires years of hard work. But this is a task for my successors.
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